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      I am Drew McGilvary and I am sophomore in Heritage High School in Wake Forest. I am born and raised in Wake Forest. Right now, I am not sure what to do after High School, but I do think that I will pursue a career in architecture or engineering. I also have a passion for animals and might want to pursue a career that involves animals, like an veterinarian or a zoologist.

      My hobbies are swimming and playing video games and were basket ball and soccer but in the beginning of this year I torn my ACL and can’t play any sports right now until I have the surgery. This year my goal is to just pass the tenth grade with good grades. When I go to college, I want it to be in state; NC State or UNC are my preferred choices. During my high school experience, I want to have accomplished Knowing what I want to pursue as career and make some good friends along the way.​



city of shapes

I created this projects geometric shapes. pyramids, cubes. curved and non curved rectangular prism and a lot more shapes were used to create a house all the way to a sky skyscrapers. I had a lot of fun making this because it challenges you to be creative when making this city.




i created this using AutoCAD. I made the alphabet numbers 1-10, my name ,and my birthday. the challenge was that we couldn't use any diagonal lines and the letters and numbers all had to be 5 units tall.


I made a checker board using the array and block tool. the arr tool is really when someone want to copy something into rows or columns  and block is useful when making a certain item able to copy


i created a galaga game by copy and pasting the spaceships and the numbers.

mini golf

i created a mini golf course with 9 holes. 8 of them were created using a template given by the teacher ,but the 9th hole i came with all by myself.

whillis tower

in Sketch Up I made the Whillis Tower, the giant tower in Chicago. The tower is made of 9 giant square each 75ft wide and all different lengths. the whillis is a simple but cool design and is also the second tallest tower in america.

AUtoCAD shapes 


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